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Cosmic Being Attunement: Psychic Potential & Spiritual Vision


Founder Hari Andri Winarso

Levels 1


Ideal for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students looking to unlock their psychic potential and strengthen their spiritual connections, the Cosmic Being Attunement is a key tool in navigating the path to higher consciousness and enriched spiritual living.


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students can utilize to create a powerful and lasting connection with the cosmic universe with use says Master Hari.


As Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students engage with this attunement, they can transform into conduits of cosmic energy and universal love, accelerating their journey towards illumination and self-realization.


The attunement also sharpens intuition, boosts insight, and grants spiritual vision, empowering Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students to easily overcome life’s challenges. Thank you for visiting listing for Hari's system copyscape web copy protected and web tracked.


 With purchase you will receive:

The digital e-manual sent electronically and attunement

Cosmic Being Attunement: Psychic Potential & Spiritual Vision


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