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Angels of the Moon Phases Attunement: Magic, Beauty, Love, Romance, Karma



Founded by Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)
A fixed fee system

Prerequisite: Reiki Master


The Moon most influences the practice of magic, than any other world in heaven.
The energy of the Angels of the Moon Energy, are very strong, during eclipses.
Each phase of the Moon, also has its corresponding energies. The Angels of the Moon Phases Energies can be used in any practice of healing and magic


The Angels of the New Moon Energy will help you with

Beauty, health, farms, gardens, job-hunting, networking, love and romance, group work, self-improvement.


In addition, These Angels can help with (Gifts):

Beauty, health, farms, gardens, job-hunting, networking, love and romance, group work, self-improvement.


Animals, business, changes, emotions, matriarchal strength . Courage, luck, friends, motivation, magic rituals.


Patience, protection, natural force.


Addictions, divorce, health and healing, stress, protection, karmic issues, release negativity, banish difficulties.


Enemies, quarrels, justice, obstacles, removal, separations, criminals and their acts, death by unjust means.


With your purchase you will receive 1 distant attunement service via orb of life and and 1 emailed pdf manual sent electronically by link



The Moon most influences the practice of magic, than any other world in heaven. The energy of the Angels of the Moon Energy, are very strong, during eclipses.Each phase of the Moon, also has its corresponding energies. The Angels of the Moon Phases Energies can be used in any practice of healing and magic.


These Angels can help with (Gifts):

Addictions, divorce, health and healing, stress, protection, karmic issues, release negativity, banish difficulties.Enemies, quarrels, justice, obstacules, removal, separations, criminals and their acts, death by unjust means.With your purchase you will receive 1 distant attunement service via orb of life and and 1 emailed pdf manual sent electronically by linkFounded by Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)
A fixed fee system

The Moon most influences the practice of magic, than any other world in heaven.
The energy of the Angels of the Moon Energy, are very strong, during eclipses.
Each phase of the Moon, also has its corresponding energies. The Angels of the Moon Phases Energies can be used in any practice of healing and magic.

These Angels can help with (Gifts):

Beauty, health, farms, gardens, job-hunting, networking, love and romance, group work, self-improvement.

Animals, business, changes, emotions, matriarchal strength. Courage, luck, friends, motivation, magic rituals .Patience, protection, natural force.

Addictions, divorce, health and healing, stress, protection, karmic issues, release negativity, banish difficulties.

Enemies, quarrels, justice, obstacules, removal, separations, criminals and their acts, death by unjust means.

With your purchase you will receive 1 distant attunement service via orb of life and and 1 emailed pdf manual sent electronically by link


Levels 1

Symbol? Yes



Freedom, independence and creativity are the key word of the Angels of Uranus.These angels are concerned with anything original, whether in thought or expression. These Angels are revolutionaries who can upset the status quo if necessary (always for a good reason). They will help us to understand an unexpected or take us to an unexpected boost to the world.

The Angels of Uranus are interested in the thoughts that change the atmosphere and the minds of people.To this end, they love the media and mass communication in large scale.

The Angels of Uranus are Uriel and Cassiel, who in turn govern the sign of Aquarius.

The Angels of Uranus by being connected to the electricity would lead to sudden changes and flashes of lighting.

Uriel can mitigate the most insidious aspects of Uranus, including impulsiveness, stubbornness, nervous tension and inability to adapt.

These Angels will help with (Gifts):

  • Strength
  • Extends thoughts
  • Do not be conventional
  • Originality
  • Intuitive Gifts
  • Clairvoyance
  • Individualism
  • Willpower
  • Personal Magnetism
  • Bring resources
  • Humanitarian assistance


Included with purchase is the original digital PDF manual delivered electronically by link and orb of life / chi ball distant attunement service

Angels of the Moon Phases Attunement: Magic, Beauty, Love, Romance, Karma


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