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Chromacolor Fire Body Attunement: For despair or uncertainty about life path



Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

Levels 1: Teacher (There is a self-use system in the store)

Prerequisite:  Usui Master to attune others



About this system:

Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students link to the chromocolored fire letters which are multi and interdimensional active communication from Eternal Sacred Source to you. Chromocolored fire vibrate at such a high level that they appear fire-like and have a high intensity and strength Fire letters embedded within convey divine thoughts, free from distortion, offering perpetual protection and elevation. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students utilize to burn through any lower energies that would have sought to bring you down by despair or uncertainty about your path in life by enhancing Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students direct communication with Eternal Sacred Source, fostering continual support and guidance for your soul.


You will receive 1 distant attunement by orb of life and the original teacger digital pdf manual sent electronically by link.

Chromacolor Fire Body Attunement: For despair or uncertainty about life path


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