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Chakra Care, Personal & Master, 2 digital PDF's, NO BOGO by Mariah Windsong

Chakra Care, Personal & Master, 2 digital PDF's, NO BOGO by Mariah Windsong: which will help identify, align with power places in other galaxies

9 June 2016

Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

Prerequisite: Usui Master, Shamballa Master or Seichim Master

There ae 3 Levels in the Master Teacher System:

Level 1

Gently Cleanses and Upgrades the functions of the Chakras

Level 2

Increases your affliation with these energies and presents several energy functions such as Transdimensional Chakra Calibration and Transtemporal Chakra Detachment

For example, how wonderful it was for Cosmic Goddess Empowerment to introduce our body we are in now to energies you enjoyed and found so useful in another place! After your second level attunement to Chakra Care you’ll be able to activate Galactic Affiliation because we agree that our body we are in now here on Earth respond positively when the incarnated soul embodying them is more at ease and fulfilled. Activating Galactic Affiliation identifies the power places you already have an affection for.

Level 3:

Master Teacher attunement and allows you to activate My Chakra Anointing and more!

About this system:

Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is delighted to present Chakra Care by Mariah Windsong Couture. We found it attended to all of the spiritual power centers in the body, it gently cleanses and upgrades the function of your chakras.

Unlike most chakra systems, Cosmic Goddess Empowerment finds many will benefit with the several energy functions in Chakra Care which will help identify and align with power places in other galaxies.

Other energy functions provide comprehensive hygiene scans and healing for your chakras. Please note that most esoteric spiritual traditions as well as healing modalities from around the world acknowledge the existence of an energy circulatory system in which life force and spiritual energies travel around the body. The places where these energy pathways cross with each other and integrate with your physical body are the energy centers commonly referred to as chakras. Specific energy centers (chakras) are focused on by each type of healing modality. Here in Chakra Care, all of your energy centers will receive assistance from Eternal Sacred Source to remove interferences and increase health and enlightenment.

Included in this listing is both the Master Teacher and the Personal Use digital e-manual electronically by link with attunement service

Chakra Care, Personal & Master, 2 digital PDF's, NO BOGO by Mariah Windsong


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