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Bliss Vibration, Self Use Attunement: Be in synergy with yourself!



Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

Listing is for personal use only


About this system:

Dear Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students,

Let's delve into the transformative energies of Bliss Vibration and Mood Lifter, invaluable tools on our spiritual journey.


Bliss Vibration assists you, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, in shedding discordant frequencies that disrupt your peace, aligning you with the energetic environment conducive to bliss. It harmonizes with your higher self and soul, fostering synergy within yourself, crucial in a world where we often give away parts of ourselves to please others. This synergy ensures you, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, remain whole amidst external demands.


Meanwhile, Mood Lifter swiftly transitions you, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, from moments of discontent to pleasant moods. Vibrations, whether sound or energetic, profoundly influence your emotional state. By shifting the vibrations within your aura, Mood Lifter restores calm and elevates your mood, allowing you, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, to navigate life from a place of positivity.


May these energies guide you, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, towards inner harmony and upliftment, empowering you to embrace each moment with grace and joy.



You will receive orb of life chi ball attunement service  and a personal use PDF manual send by digital link.

Bliss Vibration, Self Use Attunement: Be in synergy with yourself!


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