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Ascension Vibration Attunement:  Reconcile Separation between Matter & Spirit



Founder Mariah Windsong Couture



Ascension Vibration reconciles the separation between matter and spirit, here, and beyond. Freedom of movement through the dimensions in spirit is enhanced with Ascension Vibration.Ascension Vibration is unity through the balance of polarities that exist in this reality, realities beyond and inside you. Ascension Vibration’s yin yang symbol is utilized to bring into balance inner, outer, upper, lower aspects of our being and our positioning to the world around us.


Your Ascension Vibration attunement gives you access to this highly individualized vibration and the power of the yin yang symbols as an activator of your ascension vibration. 




Ascension Vibration Can

  • Clear dense or evil energies away from your body and mind.
  • Accept paradox and gain the ability to hold two perspectives.
     Reconcile many levels of who you are and what you believe.
  •  Cause to be recorded lessons you’ve learned clearing old karma.
  • Increase your Light Quotient ratio by dropping away limitations.
  •  Gain the ability to learn through observation not just experience.
  •  Teach your body to shift its vibration to accommodate
    environmental and reality changes, for travel or comfort here.
  • Prepare your body to change fully into Lightbody and back into physicality at will as is directed by your Spirit, Soul and Source.
  • Fulfill all the requirements of incarnation, so to optimize your opportunity to ascend into Eternal Life when your body dies.
You will receive 1 distant attunement by chi ball  and the digital e-manual  sent electronically

Ascension Vibration Attunement: Reconcile Separation between Matter & Spirit


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