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Archangel Michael Alignment, digital pdf Mariah Windsong: Healing, Foresight

Arch Angel Michael Alignment by Mariah Couture: For intuition, discernment, spiritual authority, making choices



Founder Mariah Windsong Couture


About this system:Arch Angel Michael Alignment™ (Archangel Michael Alignment/AA Michael Alignment) energy system attunes your heart center, third eye, root chakra and hands to be in alignment with Arch Angel Michael. Arch Angel Michael Third Eye Alignment has been channeled to help increase our intuition and discernment in wisdom and valor.


Intuition and foresight can be greatly increased the more often you activate this Arch Angel Michael Third Eye Alignment. It is as taking your intuitive awareness and suddenly moving it to look through Arch Angel Michael's third eye!! Amazing clarity and accuracy can be obtained while you are in that alignment!


Arch Angel Michael Root Chakra Alignment removes fear related to dangers felt in regards to discrimination of any kind and home safety. All kinds of discrimination imprints from experience can be removed.


Arch Angel Michael's Hand Enhancement increases your ability to channel healing energies.   Arc h Angel Michael Power™ is an energy function that puts you into the flow of Arch Angel Michael’s power and spiritual authority. It is very useful for people or regularly assist others to remove negative entities and to clear people's energy fields of unwanted influences.


You will receive 1 distant attunement serrvice by orb of life chi ball and the original English manual sent electronically. 

Archangel Michael Alignment, digital pdf Mariah Windsong: Healing, Foresight


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