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Angels of Higher Clearing Ray: Overcome Demons of Disease, Ethereal Wing Opening



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community Connect with the Angels of the Higher Clearing Ray, Energetic Anatomy and receive your Wing Opening Attunement along with Higher Clearing Ray Attunement


Andrea L. Meyers ( Suraya )



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community, the Archangel of the Higher Clearing Ray is Adonael, a healing angel who can assist Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community overcome the demons of disease and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community Adonal presides over the purification of the Body. Along with Adonael Azuriel is the Archeia or Female Archangel of the Higher Clearing Ray, the celestial being who brings this energy down into the Physical plane and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community both angels co-operate in the clearing of the subtle bodies. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community you will learn about ethereal wing anatomy because Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community your ethereal wings are beautiful, energetic extensions and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community your ethereal wings flow from the Heart and High Heart Chakras, expanding as your Light Quotient grows. With two major chakras Receiving and Projecting —your wings channel and direct healing energy. They can envelop you in a cocoon of protection and grace. Guided by Archangels Uriel and Aurora, opening your wings clears stagnant energy, amplifying your spiritual strength and connection and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community are you ready to open your ethereal wings and use them for healing.  By connecting with your energetic wings, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community,channel healing energy more effectively, creating a powerful flow of light &


Included with purchase:

  • Orb of Life Distant Attunement Service
  • The Manual Delivered Electronically by Link

Angels of Higher Clearing Ray: Overcome Demons of Disease, Ethereal Wing Opening


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