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Agni Force Infusion Attunement: Help remove excess fat & reach ideal weight


Founder Hari Andri Winarso

Levels 1

About this system:


Agni Force Infusion was channeled to help Cosmic Goddess Empoweremnts students create a strong connection with the high vibration of Lord Agni.


The energy of Lord Agni in this Agni Force Infusion  can help Cosmic Goddess Empoweremnts students in their efforts to clear and remove excess fat and weight from your body and to help Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students have a safer and more permanent weight loss. Hari closes by stating his Agni Force Infusion will assist you in your attempts reach your desired ideal weight shortly and safely. Thank you for visiting copyscape web copy protected

At Cosmic Goddess Empowerments, we believe in promoting a healthy body image by focusing on wellness rather than weight loss. We support initiatives aimed at enhancing health and well-being, emphasizing that any changes to one's body should stem from the desire for improved health rather than societal pressures or aesthetic reasons. It's important to appreciate and respect our bodies for the incredible functions they perform and to nurture our health in a way that is supportive and self-affirming.


Check out other like systems in our Metabolism, Weight, Body Acceptance Collection Category!


Where you get your attunements and manuals is important!


It is crucial to know the origins of your systems and teachings to ensure authenticity and integrity, especially in the field of spiritual practices, so you are purchasing an authentic energy source, not a digital counterfeit. At Cosmic Goddess Empowerments, we emphasize the importance of recognizing our established status as the original accredited reseller since 2010. As an authorized distributor, we provide genuine materials directly transmitted by Master Hari, ensuring that our offerings are authentic and untouched by unauthorized alterations or copies. This dedication to authenticity protects the purity and efficacy of the teachings, allowing our students to receive the full benefits of true energy transmissions as intended in our exclusive Cosmic Goddess Empowerments curriculum.


Included is digital pdf manual and orb of life attunement

Agni Force Infusion Attunement: Help remove excess fat & reach ideal weight


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