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African Violet Octave 2 PDF's 1 Attunement: Increase Vibratory Rate


Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

Prerequisite:  You must be a Reiki or Seichim Master 

Levels 1

BOGO? No Teacher Systems Not Included as Buy 1 Get 1


About this this system:

We are thrilled to introduce African Violet Octave by Mariah, which embodies the spiritual essence of the African Violet plant and its blossoms. These energies are tailored primarily for your mind, aiding you in your spiritual journeys into alternate realms. Mariah contemplated naming this system "African Violet Crown" because of its ability to elevate your vibrational frequency, often likened to donning a crown of light. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, as Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, you'll discover the profound benefits of this system, which can help alleviate mundane worries and concerns, as detailed in Mariah's manual.

As you prepare to embark on spiritual journeys into other realms from the safety of your meditative sanctuary in this reality, African Violet Octave expands your awareness. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students have found that it facilitates bridging the gap between realities, making it easier to access inspiration from the Eternal Sacred Source. We also want our Shamanic Journeying students to know that African Violet Octave can provide invaluable assistance. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, the more you engage with African Violet Octave, the more attuned she becomes to your individual spiritual needs and aspirations. It feels like a soothing balm for the mind, especially for those sensitive to subtle spiritual energies, offering a diverse range of energies to meet your unique requirements. As Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, you'll find African Violet Octave to be a powerful ally on your spiritual journey.


With purchase you will receive the original Personal Use and Master African Violet Octave PDF's and distant attunement by orb of life/chi ball


African Violet Octave 2 PDF's 1 Attunement: Increase Vibratory Rate


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