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Acala Bliss, digital PDF: Clean Karma, Increase Spiritual Wisdom


Founder Hari Andri Winarso

Levels 1

About this system:


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community are you seeking to remove and neutralize any negative energies in your life and to further help you Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community clean your negative karma which may be blocking many positive things come to your life? Acala (Sanskrit meaning "immovable") is a dharmapala primarily revered in Vajrayana Buddhism. He is a protective deity particularly in Shingon traditions of Japan where he is known as Fudo Myoo, in Tangmi traditions China, in Nepal and Tibet as Candarosana, and elsewhere in Tantric Buddhism.


Our Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community found greater self-control intuitively helping to expand the consciousness and increases your wisdom to the high spiritual levels.www.cosmicgoddessempowerments.comThank you for visiting copyscape web copy protected.


With purchase you will receive:

Includes digital e-manual sent electronically and distant attunement by orb of life method


Artist Picture: Satdeep Gill-Anandajoti

Acala Bliss, digital PDF: Clean Karma, Increase Spiritual Wisdom


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