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Indigo Sense from Goddess Eir, Attunement: Help Find Chakra Blockages


Founder: The Gabrielsens

Channeler: Marijana



Indigo Sense from Goddess Eir, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students this energy is connected to the Third eye chakra. It is there to help Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students open the Third eye chakra, boost a pleasant energy flow, and most importantly, to improve  Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students intuition! Working with this energy is going to teach Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students how to use the best potentials we have, how to take care of ourselves and others, how to listen to that "great voice of  Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students souls", help with diagnosing blockages in chakras for ourselves and others, and how to heal the spiritual and physical body. When Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students listen to the deep desires of a human being, we should be able to be objective. In order to achieve that, we should maintain all our chakras balanced, from the Crown to the Root. However, this energy is going to help Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students see beyond "the curtain" and keep us open to the beautiful miracles of this divine world! This energy is both suitable for beginners and experienced healers. Most importantly, we should keep in mind that we should stay humble and always open to personal progress!



Included with purchase is the original English digital PDF manual delivered electronically by link and orb of life/chi ball attunement service


Indigo Sense from Goddess Eir, Attunement: Help Find Chakra Blockages


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