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Structure Care Practitioner Attunement: Home-Building Sanctification


Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture


Levels 1 - Practitioner system allows you self use and sharing energies with but not attuning others


Prerequisite: Must be property owner, owner permission would be needed


Buy 1 Get 1? No



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community are you ready for an energy system which helps our community to clear away stagnant, obsolete and adverse energies in structures and especially for those Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community who need to clear the emotional imprints from other people’s emotional struggles in the structure your are in can be dropped away.  Are you ready to have the vibrations in your structure personalized for you or whoever Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community will be spending time in that space and live in a blessed structure and interior space.  

Included with purchase is the original English PDF digital PRACTITIONER manual delivered electronically by link and orb of life attunement service. We are an Accredited Reseller of Mariah Windsong systems and we have been attuned to the Master degree.

Structure Care Practitioner Attunement: Home-Building Sanctification


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