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Ajna Chakra Flush 2025 Attunement: Third eye, Insight


  • Founder: Rosemary Noel
  • Symbol: No


Levels 1: This exclusive system is intended for personal and educational purposes only. Users may utilize it to assist a family member or friend but use is not for professional client services. It is not designed as an online teaching  or healing platform for use in blogs, social media or by professional resale.




The Third Eye (Ajna) chakra serves as the command center of the psychic body. In Sanskrit, ‘Ajna’ means perception, and this chakra connects you to clear sight and insight. You will learn all about this chakra and techniques to flush and then activate.



Important Note: All systems developed by Master Noel are currently undergoing update such as this. Past editions have been retired and should not be offered online anywhere even those purchased direct. This decision comes in response to content theft, unauthorized translations, and postings by others without permission. Master Noel has rescinded endorsement and permission for the sale of any of her systems by anyone except Cosmic Goddess Empowerments’ accredited reseller, Naag Loki Shivanath."


Includes English digital PDF e-manual sent electronically by link and distant orb of life chi ball attunement, No teacher permissions.

Ajna Chakra Flush 2025 Attunement: Third eye, Insight


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