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999 Sacred Healing of Shiva Attunement: For Black Magic Diseases


Founder Hari Winarso

Levels 1


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students explore the profound energies and harness the healing power of Lord Shiva combined with 999 Energy, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students rave that its use helps them to effectively heal and overcomes metaphysical diseases arising from black magic, santet, teluh, or interference by demons, evil, or dark spirits. Restore balance to your body, mind, and spirit, promoting overall well-being and healing from heart injuries. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, whether you seek spiritual upliftment or physical renewal, this modality offers comprehensive support. Begin your journey of holistic healing and empowerment today!




Included with purchase is the original English digital manual sent electronically by link and distant orb of life attunement

999 Sacred Healing of Shiva Attunement: For Black Magic Diseases


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