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Astral Body Radiance (Upgrade), Attunement: Journey Anynomously

Founder Mariah Windsong


About this system:


This is an energy upgrade from the original version. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is delighted to offer Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students Astral Body Radiance Uggrade which provides upgraded energies for cleaning, repair and setting a shine the astral body when Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students travel in throughout realms and dimensions! Astral Body Radiance Upgrade provides Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students more updated, strengthened and easy to use cleaning and repair maintenance for your astral body.  Anytime  Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students spirit travels outside of your physical body its luminous body is exposed to the realms it traverses. If you are a reiki or seichim master you may attune others.


Cosmic Goddess Empowerment students relay that the "astral body" Mariah is referring in her upgraded manual Astral Body Radiance to is the garment of light which safely carries the aspects of you, your being and or conscious awareness when you go places without moving your physical body.


Here are some examples of times when you are in your astral body are below, but not limited to these examples:


  • Meditating
  • Astral Projection
  • Shamanic Journeying 
  • Bi-Location
  • And more you'll find in the manual


With purchase you will receive:

1 distant attunement by chi ball / orb of life and 1 digital e-manual in English  sent electronically

Astral Body Radiance (Upgrade), Attunement: Journey Anynomously


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