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Eternally Exalted Sexuality 1-3 Attunements: Shift Sexuality into Creativity

2011, Eternally Exalted Sexuality 1-3, digital pdf Mariah Windsong: Enance your personal sexuality retrieve & heal parts of your sexuality....


Learn to express your sexuality in the most exalted manner. A very exalted way to utilize your sexuality is to transmute it into fuel for enlightenment. 


Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

Language: English


About this system:

Eternally Exalted Sexuality Level 1 enhances your personal sexuality, teaches you how to shift your sexual energy into creativity of any positive kind and also exalt your sexuality into enlightenment fuel

Level 2 brings you empowerments to the Crane Bird and Bamboo Wood. These spiritual energies give you access to mating dances and longevity.

Level 3 contains an energy function to retrieve and heal parts of your sexuality that left you because of a person or situation.



Included is the original manual digital pdf sent electronically by link and orb of life attunement

Eternally Exalted Sexuality 1-3 Attunements: Shift Sexuality into Creativity


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