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Light of Happiness Esoteric Attunement+MP3: Windfall Attraction, Cahyoraha

Founder Master Hari Andri Winarso


Prayer? Yes, manual delivered by Cosmic Goddess Empowerments will provide the Original OR English translation Prayer as well as information on your required Cleanse Prior to Initiation


Accredited Reseller: Cosmic Goddess Empowerments has been the original Accredited Reseller For Over 14 Years for Master Hari's systems! As the original accredited reseller since 2010 we proudly guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the energy transmitted by Master Hari to Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students. This assurance is paramount in light of the widespread unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, including counterfeit copies, unauthorized translations, and materials plagiarized from our webstore. Our unwavering commitment to upholding the purity and integrity of the energy teachings ensures that students receive genuine and potent transmissions directly from the source, as presented to you in the Cosmic Goddess Empowerments offerings! काली का क्रोध सामग्री चोरों पर”

θυμός του θεού προς τους κλέφτες,  غضب الله على اللصوص, Mânia divină asupra hoților, ira divina ai ladri, ira divina aos ladrões, goddelijke toorn voor dieven, colère divine aux voleurs, hırsızlara ilahi gazap,


BOGO? Yes for Cosmic Goddess Empowermentsstudents this must be a main selection not a free one



  • Current Year Online Registered Student Member for 40 days and
  • Prior attunement service with us


About Indonesian Culture Esoteric and Magickal Attunements

The Javanese and Indonesian culture is rich in spiritual esoteric, magickal, and mystical practices and this system delivered by Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is an example of such practices. It is an esoteric inner power empowerment that has its roots in Indonesian esoteric knowledge.



Cahyorahayu is a windfall attraction power, it attracts windfalls from all directions and Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students who are looking to achieve goals report success in using this esoteric power to accelerate career and business pursuits.


Included With Purchase:

  • Distant attunement service by one of our staff by orb of life method and,
  • The original Instructional PDF Manual by Master Hari in English translation with information on how to call in your energy (some systems) are autonomous.

Light of Happiness Esoteric Attunement+MP3: Windfall Attraction, Cahyoraha



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