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Elemental Spirit Whisperer Genetic Awakening Self Use 1-2  Attunement

Prerequisite: None for Personal Use

Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture

Levels 2



Dear Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students,

The term "whisperer" has gained popularity as one making conscious contact with another in a private manner. This is to say that communication is occurring and that others in the vicinity are not aware of. Only the “whisperer” and his subject know what has been communicated. As Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, you delve into the subtleties of communication, exploring realms beyond the ordinary and forging connections that transcend the physical.Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students find that this energy awakens the genetics that allow Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students physical bodys to interface and make changes in the structural reality of matter here in this reality. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students whisperer refers to speaking a secret in private between two self-aware beings. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students will receive education about working with the sentient awareness within elements. Through this system, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students you embark on a journey of awakening, tapping into the genetic codes that enable profound interaction with the elemental forces that shape our world. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, you are guided towards a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings, including the sentient awareness within the elements themselves.Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students Level 1 level helps everyone awaken their genetic codes so that they can more fully interact with and gain the alliance of the elements we live around every day. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, by engaging with the first level of this system, you lay the foundation for a profound awakening, unlocking dormant genetic codes and forging deeper connections with the elemental beings that inhabit our reality. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students Level 2 of this system is to be activated anytime you like a better line of communication or cooperation with the elements. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students you are skilled at Shamanic Journeying or meditation, you may use it in conjunction... or Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students the purpose is to establish a meet and greet, forging a bridge of familiarity. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, as you advance to the second level of this system, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students deepen their connection with the elemental realms, establishing clearer channels of communication and fostering greater cooperation with these powerful allies.


You will receive 2 distant attunement via chi ball and the English Personal Use  e-manual sent electronically

Elemental Spirit Whisperer Genetic Awakening Self Use 1-2 Attunement

  • Moisture increases in the land to stave off forest fires from reaching homes. Clouds form and rain happens to save crops from withering. Tensile strength of a wooden plank increases when a child walks on an old bridge across a stream or ravine. Any physical form can become more effective and efficient when you have an alliance with the elemental spirits which comprise its form and call upon them for assistance.Batteries can last longer in an emergency situation if you call upon the elemental spirits of the battery’s interior.These are just of a few of the ways that whispering to the elemental spirits can help you and others you call upon them for co-operation.


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