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Lessons of Karma High Energy Lightwork Reiki, digital PDF:  Improve Your Life

Lessons of Karma High Energy Lightwork Reiki, digital e-manual: Discover how to best work with the Karmic Laws of the Universe to improve your life




Founder Daelyn Wolf

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About this system:

Daelyn writes:  Lessons of Karma High Energy Lightwork Reiki a very high energy system. It connects you to Universal Source/Infinite Intelligence, and opens you to your higher self. It works to help you understand karma and the issues associated with it that often give us trouble in our lives. As you work with the energies and come into understanding enlightenment, you will discover how to best work with the Karmic Laws of the Universe to improve your life and your situation. This is an important energy system, that will open up empowerment for many people.


With each Karmic Lesson you face in your life, you are subject to a corresponding Karmic Law. This may be why often, it is so hard to overcome some Karmic issue you may feel oppresses you or has you stuck and bound so that you cannot move beyond it. Karmic Laws required understanding as a key to unlocking any challenges that exist within the realm of Karma.


Lessons of Karma High Energy Lightwork Reiki helps you with understanding and enlightenment, putting the key in your hands. It works to move you beyond the physical mundane realms and into ascension as you discover how the Laws of Karma work, and are empowered to use them for release and empowerment. Improving your life and your situation is a life altering result of these powerful energies if you allow it.


The manual Includes:

  • Money Karma
  • Love Karma
  • Family Karma (DNA)
  • Nature Karma
  • Creative Karma
  • Health Karma

This is an expansive, high energy reiki system that brings life altering enlightenment and empowerment in body,

Included is digital pdf manual sent electronically by link and orb of life attunement


Lessons of Karma High Energy Lightwork Reiki, digital PDF: Improve Your Life


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