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Sword of Power and Justice Attunement:  Archangel Michael's Crystal, Lemuria

Founder: Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer



To gain access, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students seek the sacred Authorization through heightened awareness. If granted access, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students Archangel Michaels invites you to connect with Lemuria's energies in the temple, linking your present self with the past.  Archangel Michael's crystal awaits. Seek guidance, summon the priestly collective of Lemuria, and let the Sword of Power and Justice's energies flow through you. 


Included with purchase is orb of life/chi ball attunement and the English translation manual PDF delivered electronically

Sword of Power and Justice Attunement: Archangel Michael's Crystal, Lemuria


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