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Womb of Light Attunement: Karmic Wounds, More Perfected State of Health

Founder: Kangjeng Pangeran (KP) Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro


Accredited Reseller: Since 2010, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original selected accredited licensed reseller of this system



Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community many in our community have enjoyed this energetic tool focused on spiritual light energy, with multiple benefits by wrapping Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Communities soul in an all-encompassing love.  Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community this energy is placed over your thymus, purifying Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Communities emotional body, creating calm and transmuting toxic emotions. It harmonizes Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Communities etheric blueprint with the physical body, attuning Cosmic Goddess Empowerments body to a more perfected state of perfect health. It draws out karmic wounds, healing the space with unconditional love and reframing cellular memory, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments karmically extends to assists your process of atonement, reconciliation, and reparation, helping Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community to release blockages to spiritual progress, especially when these stem from past life


Included with purchase:

The original English translation manual delivered electronically by link

Womb of Light Attunement: Karmic Wounds, More Perfected State of Health


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