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Positive Motion Energetic Attunement: Business, Projects, Productivity, Goals

Founder Jalu Wasonoadi


Levels 1




Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students have experienced the transformative power of Positive Motion Energetic, a dynamic energetic force designed for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students looking to elevate their business endeavors or personal goals to new heights.


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students report they have found this potent energy infusion not only boosts productivity but also ignites a wellspring of innovative ideas and inspiration.


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students with Positive Motion Energetic at your side, you, as a student of Cosmic Goddess Empowerments, may find it remarkably effortless to steer Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students projects and ambitions with vibrant, forward-moving energy.


Experience how Positive Motion Energetic magnifies the appeal and effectiveness of your business products or personal aspirations, injecting them with progressive and developmental energies. This system also expertly manages the mental and physical stamina of Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students, ensuring you operate at peak productivity levels consistently and more you will find in the English translation manual.


With purchase you will receive:

Positive Motion Energetic English translation manual digital PDF sent electronically & attunement via call in method

Positive Motion Energetic Attunement: Business, Projects, Productivity, Goals


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