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Ilumination Aura Essence Attunement: Auric Layers Clearing

Ilumination Aura Essence, pdf by Hari Winarso: Clear Auric Layers, infuse Auric Radiance, Have Extraordinary Personal Magnetism & Attraction

Includes pdf & attunement.

19 July 2016

Founder Hari Andri Winarso

Levels 1

About this system:

Hari writes llumination Aura Essence was channeled to clear the auric layers, and infuses the auric radiance. You will have an extraordinary personal magnetism and a strong charisma. Sends positive energies to the aura, so your aura become more glowing and having a strong power that make you very charming and super attractive, so everyone around you love looking up to you. Thank you for visiting copyscape protected.

With purchase you will receive:

The original English translation pdf manual by Hari which includes attunement information, how to give treatments, distant healing methods, and how to pass attunements sent electronically and your distant attunement by chi ball call in method

Ilumination Aura Essence Attunement: Auric Layers Clearing


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