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Head Care Attunement: Head Chakra Balance, Headaches

Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

Prerequisite: Reiki Master to Pass to Others


The Herikimer Shakti collaborate with Cosmic Goddess Empowerments body's consciousness and soul for overall well being. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students and clients say this energy helps them to ease headaches. Neglecting energy centers Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients and students may cause head pressure. The Balance function harmonizes Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients and students chakras, promoting mind and body health. Use Head Care on-the-go or for quick relief. Heeding headaches as body messages Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients and students  is vital. cosmicgoddessempowerments


While Head Care aids in feeling better, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments clients and students addressing underlying causes like illnesses or hormone imbalances is essential.


1 English digital pdf sent electronically by link and orb of life attunement service

Head Care Attunement: Head Chakra Balance, Headaches


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