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Body Detox Flush Attunement: Healing modality, Upgrade Body Organs & Systems



April 2023

Founder Master Hari Andri Winarso.



  • Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students the world that is full of toxins and pollutants, and unfortunately, many of these substances end up in our bodies. While our bodies have natural systems in place to eliminate these toxins and pollutants, sometimes they are not enough. 


  • The Body Detox Flush is designed to help Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students eliminate and heal negative energies from the physical and energetic bodies, as well as quantum fields and particles, along with energetic spaces. This process helps Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students address issues such as dark, heavy, slow-moving, stuck, congested, damaged, and blocked energies. The aim is to prevent Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students from having health problems, including chronic fatigue, headaches, depression, anxiety, and various other conditions associated with these negative energies, as outlined in the manual. 
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Body Detox Flush Attunement: Healing modality, Upgrade Body Organs & Systems


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