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Angels of Saturn, digital PDF: Lessons of Karma, Authority, Change, The Elderly

2022, Angels of Saturn, digital PDF: Lessons of Karma, Strength, Borders, Responsibility, Change, Authority



Founder Maria Joao Sereno (Brigitt)

Levels 1

Symbol?  Yes


The Angels of Saturn are Michael, Cassiel, Orifiel, Kafziel, Maion, Mael, Zaphiel, Schebatiel and Zapkiel.

The Angels of Saturn are concerned especially with the authority, the lessons of Karma and borders. When you need strength and practicality, call for these Angels. If you want to have an austere presence, the Angels of Saturn are the energies that you need. They are also concerned with the affairs of elderly people.


These Angels will help with (Gifts):


• Stability

• Self-discipline

• Wisdom

• Frugality

• Patience

• Resistance

• Humbleness

• Sincerity

• Wiseness

• Seriousness


Included with purchase is the original digital PDF manual delivered electronically by link and orb of life/chi ball attunement service


Angels of Saturn, digital PDF: Lessons of Karma, Authority, Change, The Elderly


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