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Angelic Elemental Templates Attunement: For Healing Sessions or Attunements



Founder Mariah Windsong Couture


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community record and send channeled channeled teaching and healing for others and our community will learn the Angelic Eplates are living energy templates created by the sentient intelligence of both the Angelic and Elemental realms. These beings work together to offer balanced perspectives that transcend time and space.

These templates can be used for personal healing or to facilitate healing sessions and attunements for multiple people at once. They are also ideal for sending energy into a light sphere that clients can access later. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community, instructions provided for personal healing, facilitating healing sessions or attunements for several people concurrently, as well as sending the energies of any session into a light sphere for the client to 'call in' later".www.cosmicgoddessempowerments


Your purchase includes 1 English digital pdf e-manual sent electronically by link and orb of life attunement service

Angelic Elemental Templates Attunement: For Healing Sessions or Attunements


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