Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture
Levels 2
BOGO? Multi-Tiered Systems Must Be a Main Selection Not a Gift
Prerequisite: Reiki Master to Attune Others
After Care is a versatile and valuable tool for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students rejuvenation and integration after various life experiences and treatments. It offers Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students support for cleansing, calmness, restoration, and the harmonious integration of energies. Stress, whether induced by challenging situations or uplifting, life-changing experiences, can take a toll on Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students well-being. This system tends to Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students body and being, aiding in the aftermath of different life occurrences or healing modalities.
Diverse Uses of After Care:
After Care can be activated following a wide range of experiences, including but not limited to after:
- Chiropractic adjustments
- Loss of a loved one
- Disturbing night dreams
- Acupuncture treatments
- Massage sessions
- Accidents or illnesses
- Arguments
- Physical exercise
- Vigorous lovemaking
- Family gatherings
- Change of diet
- Ending of smoking or drug use
- Reducing alcohol intake
- Surgery of any kind
- Shamanic journeys or astral travel
- Mental strain or studying
- Break-ups
After Care is a valuable companion for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students in navigating life's ups and downs. Whether Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students experienced a significant life event or simply want to bring calm and restoration to your being, After Care stands ready to support you. Its adaptability and healing presence make it a trusted tool in times of change and transition.
With your puchase you will receive distant attunement via orb of life and 1 manual PDF delivered electronically by link