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Universal Feminine Attunement: Succeed during hard times and more



Founder: Tawan Chester

Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students Universal Feminine Reiki asssits with opening pathways for energy to flow between you and the Universe in a more productive manner.


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students Universal Feminine is a collection of energies brought forth during a planetary occurence of Venus. These energies come to help Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students  balance the masculine to femine energies, enhance your creativeness and present opportunities for solving problems. Use will assist Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students to get in touch with your creative side. This energy is not just for females but males benefit by its creative energies... bringing fresh new ideas and the ability to tap into deeper levels of your creative potential.


Additional benefits:

  • Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students it brings issues, things, subject into the light to see what needs to be seen
  • Assists Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students in dealing with the issue, thing or subject & work through it
  • Release the issue thing or subject Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students need to let go of!


You will receive orb of life / chi ball distant attunement service and 1 digital PDF manual sent electronically by link

Universal Feminine Attunement: Succeed during hard times and more


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