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Sphagnum Moss Attunement:  For veins, capillaries, and arteries

Sphagnum Moss Gifts, digital pdf by Mariah Windsong: Assists your internal blood piping with deep Love of the Rainbow Light of Eternal Sacred Source

Founder Mariah Windsong Couture

Levels 1

Language: Manual pdf is avaiable in your choice of either English or German


Sphagnum Moss  assists your internal blood piping: veins, capillaries, and arteries. Sphagnum Moss gifts us relaxation; a safe place to stand amidst movement under us. Seichim also joins with Sphagnum Moss to provide deep Love of the Rainbow Light of Eternal Sacred Source.The healing energies of Sphagnum Moss are really quite wonderful and will follow your mental focus for any area of your body that you want them to assist with.


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Sphagnum Moss Attunement: For veins, capillaries, and arteries


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