Founder Mariah Windsong Couture:
About Slate Shakti:
A Divine Intelligence
About Slate Shakit Modality:
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community this is a modality which harmonizes your lower self, or shadow self, with you providing a communication link, fostering healing and inner peace. It helps Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community to resolve conflicts within your shadow self, enhancing overall well-being. Note, this system is more effective if paired with Azure Shakti™, which strengthens your soul connection. Together, they balance your middle self, creating rewarding harmonization. Benefits for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments practitioners also include improved trust, reduced cravings, increased creative thinking, higher self-esteem, better discernment, enhanced impulse control, and a greater ability to enjoy life. It also boosts meditation, vivid dreams, and consciousness mobility, aiding in overall self-acceptance and
You will receive 1 distant attunement and 1 pdf e-manual, either the original English pdf manual sent electronically and orb of life attunement. Recommended by not required to be reiki master to pass to others.
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