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Fibers of Fire Esoteric MP3 & BOOSTER Attunement: Healing, Power with Serat Geni

Founder: Kangjeng Pangeran (KP) Hari Andri Winarso Wartonagoro


Accredited Reseller: Since 2010, Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is the original selected accredited licensed reseller of this Master Hari modality.


MP3?  No, the original Serat Geni manual  HAS NO REFERENCE for a Indonesian Language Prayer NOR is there a MP3 it is just in English.  However, if you are a student of Cosmic Goddess Empowerments keep reading. We have a new bonus Indonesian MP3 and prayer-English to Javanese translation, for those who qualify, if interested. Many are delighted with English only.


BOGO?  Are you a non teacher, non-blogger student?  There is a special BOGO offer with this listing (see below).



  • Current Year Online Registered Student Member for 60 days & prior attunement service with us. 
  • Social Media Follower for these 30 days


About Indonesian Culture Esoteric and Magickal Attunements:

The Javanese and Indonesian culture is rich in spiritual esoteric, magickal, and mystical practices and this bundle is an example of such practices. It is an esoteric inner power empowerment that has its roots in Indonesian esoteric religion and knowledge.




Includes: Serat Geni and Serat Geni Booster


The original Serat Geni was designed Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community by Master Hari to activate and upgrade your inner heat and power, helping heal Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community members physical and metaphysical diseases. This esoteric Indonesian energy works to enhance your healing capabilities, allowing Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community to address a wide range of health issues. The Serat Geni Booster takes this a step further, significantly strengthening your healing abilities. With the booster you can heal yourself, others, or even entire environments more effectively than with the original Serat Geni power alone. The booster not only enhances your healing power but also improves your physical and metaphysical protection.www.cosmicgoddessempowerments


Included is the original and booster PDF manual sent electronically by link and orb of life chi ball attunement for the booster.

Fibers of Fire Esoteric MP3 & BOOSTER Attunement: Healing, Power with Serat Geni

$120,00 Regulær pris

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