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My Power Mastery Self Use Attunement: Unlock Spiritual Gifts


Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture

Prerequisite: None for Personal Use



About this system:

All of the abilities which have become natural to you, whether you were born with them awakened them recently, are dependent upon the laws and principles of the reality you are within, in order to function as you expect. A person is restricted by the rules of their reality until they interface fully.


Benefits you may receive from activation and regular use:

• Be a more effective minister everywhere and anywhere you are no matter whether you are consciously aware of where you are ministering.

• Unlock the use of spiritual gifts which have been elusive to you

• Remove limitations to the use of your personal power as restricted by local laws & principles, environments, planetary interference and other counteracting magic or energies

• Unlock your personal power, your spiritual skills and abilities to free it for use in any place your spirit travels to

• Reduce tiredness upon waking from night dreams

• Increase your long distance healing effectiveness through time and space in the reality for past life work for yourself and others

• Reduce bad experiences in night dreams by freeing abilities to function. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments reports students love this benefit


Level 1 attunement provides you with energy functions assisting you to align with and access your personal power both in this reality and in other realities. (places, future, past, in various realms of reality and timelines)


Level 2 attunement of your My Power Mastery brings you the ability to honor your emotions, yet not be ruled by them. You can observe a situation with the optimal demeanor, instead of being swept away by the current.


You will receive 2 distant chi ball attunements sent 72 hours apart and 1 digital pdf manual sent electronically

My Power Mastery Self Use Attunement: Unlock Spiritual Gifts


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