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Descension Integration, Teacher Attunement: Soul Part Integration

Descension Integration digital e-manual Master: Soul Part Integration, Assist fractured parts of you after decension and much more


Prerequisite: Reiki Master to Attune Others 


Descension Integration is designed to help those parts of you that descended from your soul any-time after birth to integrate with you seamlessly. All Mariah Windsong Couture systems available at

Levels 1

Pre-requisite: Reiki Master to pass to others

About this system:

Descension Integration is designed to help those parts of you that descended from your soul any-time after birth to integrate with you seamlessly.

At various times throughout our lives, more of who we are arrive from our soul. Most of the time, these descensions don’t have a personality that contrasts with the parts of you that are already here in this body.


Sometimes a soul part arrives with likes and dislikes as well as a demeanor that is different than what you are accustomed to. Integrating these various aspects of you can be a challenge. Integration often requires direction in order for it to happen. That is to say that integration is not necessarily automatic after a part of your soul arrives to you that has not been in this body previously. It can be rather disconcerting to feel two ways about something rather than being of a single mind on any topic.


When do descensions usually happen? A descension generally happens after you’ve completed a life purpose or mission. Many Lightworkers have felt that feeling of wanting to “go home” after they complete what they feel they were here to do. Unless a new life purpose presents itself to them, life here can feel meaningless although complete. It can feel as if their job is done. protected by copyscape


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments noticed when a new life purpose is brought forth from deep inside you by Eternal Sacred Source, it is probable that new skills and abilities may need to arrive in order for you to be equipped to accomplish your new mission.


 With purchase you will receive:

 The original manual sent electronically and distant attunemetn via chi ball call in method

Descension Integration, Teacher Attunement: Soul Part Integration

  • Sometimes the parts of you that are already here in this body can simply be upgraded in such a way as to be completely ready to do what you feel that you need to do. Other times, it would serve you and Divinity better to have more of you, from your soul level descend into your body to help you.

     Yes, I did say, “To help you”. After receiving a descension, many people do not feel like they are helped. They may feel even more fractured. This is because at the conscious level they probably are not familiar with the part(s) of themselves which arrived from their soul. If those parts have a strong identity, or personality quality, then there may be a feeling of having someone new in your body with you.

    Some of the clues that this energy system is for you:

    You feel scattered.

    You noticed a change in life outlook.

     You felt like you were done with all you were supposed to do here, now you are not so sure, new possibilities feel to beckon you.

     Your likes and dislikes have recently changed.

     You feel one way sometimes about a topic & another way at a different time

     Headaches came on recently and last longer than before.

     Parts of you feel totally done here & other parts feel geared life purpose.

     No ability to reconcile vastly different feelings about the same topic.

     Mood swing increase.

     Depression increase. 

    Wanting to rip part of yourself out or send it away.

     Feeling like a part of you is near, but you can’t quite integrate it.

     New abilities have arrived but aren’t always accessible.

      In the Descension Integration Session a special invitation is available, should you chose to use it, to invite more of you, from your soul level to arrive unto you.  Thank you for visiting

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