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Clove Essence Attunement: Enhance Love,  New Paths to Realize Dreams & Goals


9 October 2018

Founder Hari Winarso

Levels 1


Cosmic Goddess Empowerments dear friend Master Hari Winarso brought forth this modality and he writes in his e-manual that Clove Essence was channeled for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students to attract incredible luck.  Master Hari says in his manual that it helps you to be blessed and surrounded by a great luck. Master Hari says this essence is to be used with the methods you are currently using to realize, achieve and obtain your wish or desires.  Master Hari writes, whatever your need or desire, ideal opportunities can spontaneously present themselves opening new paths to wherever you wish to go to allowing you to realize your desire.


Master Hari writes that his Clove Essence could also help to enhance love, sexual and sensual feelings -- And give you a deep understanding intuitively about love, sex and sexuality.


Includes the digital English translation e-manual sent electronically by link and distant attunement by orb of life chi ball

Clove Essence Attunement: Enhance Love, New Paths to Realize Dreams & Goals

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