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Celtic Transformational System, digital PDF manual: The 3 Cauldrons

Celtic Transformational System, digital PDF manual: Heal and Fill the Three Inner Caldrons of Physical, Mental & Emotional & Spiritual


Founder Alfred Willowhawk 

Prerequisite:  Reiki Master or a history of energy work is useful



Celtic Transformational Healing utilizes the method of the Three Cauldrons which were made popular in "The Cauldron of Posey" By Amergin. Much like Reiki and other energy systems, it can be performed on the self as well as on others via in person healing and teaching or distant healing and teaching.


About the Cauldron:

Caitlin Matthews author of the Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom states, "This vessel, active within all who are aware of their creative resources, both gives out to others in the physical world and is replenished by the inner world." Meaning that this particular cauldron teaches that one should seek to fill these cauldrons to their maximum.



The Three Cauldrons:


  • The Cauldron of Warming – physical health and strength
  • The Cauldron of Vocation – mental and emotional health and strength 
  • The Cauldron of Knowledge – spiritual health and strength


It is the goal of every individual to turn all our internal cauldrons to the best of our ability, and once they are turned to fill them as is appropriate. Not every person can turn and fill the three cauldrons completely. However, every person can strive to the maximum extent of their talents, gifts and abilities to manifest their maximum potential within themselves.

Often it is necessary to "right" the cauldrons. This may need to be done in times of spiritual loss or physical and mental illness. The effects of the emotions can become confused if the cauldron of vocation becomes tipped. This is also true of the cauldrons of warming and wisdom. A tipped cauldron brings chaotic events, illness, and a feeling of loss. Correcting any lack once a cauldron is turned, and something causes it to spill its contents, is the purpose of CTH.

Celtic Transformational Healing sessions can be very intense and can help you to achieve your personal, spiritual, and wellness goal.


Manual Includes :

* Understand the Function of the Cauldron.

* Learn about the body's 3 Cauldrons.

* Identify the status of your personal Cauldrons.

* The attunement procedure.


Note there is a 7 day procedure prior to receiving your attunement in which you meditate on the cauldrons in your own body for 7 days.



Your purchase includes the English digital e-manual sent electronically by link and distant attunement service by orb of life / chi ball method

Celtic Transformational System, digital PDF manual: The 3 Cauldrons


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