Prerequisite: Reiki Master
Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments is delighted to offer the Soul Part Detachment with Glorious Reorganization energy system. This system is designed to help “unstick” soul parts that have been causing disruption to Cosmic Goddess Empowerments natural joy, inner peace, and ability to co-create with Divinity what you want in your life on Earth.
Cosmic Goddess Empowerments highly recommends this system for Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students who find that some of their soul parts refuse to accept their origin energy and will not align with the Divine Sacred Source. This misalignment can disrupt your peace, enlightenment progression, and your ability to manifest Heaven on Earth.
Soul Part Detachment with Glorious Reorganization helps reconfigure these disruptive soul parts of Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students into a more beneficial arrangement. Gaps may be filled with Soul Elixir energy instead of outright removal, all facilitated by Soul Elixir and Axiotonal Alignments and more you will find in the manual.
With purchase you will receive the original English manual sent electronically and attunement by call in method.
Soul Part Detachment (with Glorious Reorganization) Master Attunement
Some of the indications that this Soul Part Detachment with Glorious Reorganization energy system would be beneficial for you are:
- Feeling that you have parts of you that resist the good you try to accomplish.
Feelings of an undercurrent that pulls you down when you take a step forward.
Difficulty maintaining inner peace.
Feeling like parts of you just don’t belong, they don’t fit with the rest of you.
Sabotaging your progress by saying or doing things you determined not to.
Feeling like you are not completely in control of your actions and what you say.
Serious incongruences within you in regards to how you feel about a topic.
Inability to get all of yourself to settle on a decision.
Feeling like you don’t fit into your body.
Feeling like all of your life, something just was not quite right within you.