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Venus Star Attunement: For the wounded heart, open healing & love



Founder Argandini Titsari

Dear Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students,

The Venus Star Attunement is a remarkable tool for shedding burdens and revitalization. It brings clarity, balance, and aligns with the Divine flow, offering insights into self-love and nurturing. This gentle energy resonates with vibrations of love, specifically unconditional love, focusing on the heart chakra rather than the lower chakras.


This healing energy supports the gradual opening of the heart to healing and loving energies, fostering compassion for all beings, including Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students. It has been utilized extensively for treating wounds to the emotional body, particularly the wounded heart, and can effectively address issues in the heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras.


Embrace the transformative power of the Venus Star Attunement as Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students continue on their spiritual journey.



Includes Venus Star Attunement via orb of life method and the English translation manual delivered electronically

Venus Star Attunement: For the wounded heart, open healing & love


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