The Cosmic Goddess Empowerments Community explores the angelic realm, particularly the Erelim, an Order of Angelics within the Thrones and Dominions. The Erelim issue justice and rescue intelligences misplaced in time and space. They are known for their immense compassion, often weeping at the sight of life’s pain. The greatest pain, according to Cosmic Goddess Empowerments, is the illusion of separation from our source energy, which many struggle to connect with. On Earth, many Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students feel unworthy, which prevents them from sharing their hearts and lives with others. Cosmic Goddess Empowerments students the Erlim await your request to help you like the have assisted Cosmic Goddess Empowerments in experiencing the freedom of unbridled communion with all forms of sentient life you resonate with.
If you don't possess the spiritual maturity to communicate with the Erlim Cosmic Goddess Empowerments this attunement will assist, what are you waiting for?
Included with purchase:
The original English PDF manual delivered electronically by link and orb of life / chi ball attunement service
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